PBS General Ledger Software
See the "big picture" of your business for better planning: Flexible statement formats summarize and display profits, losses, assets, liabilities, and equities for meaningful reports. Design multiple budgets and report comparing running actual totals to budgets with projections for EOY. Report actual compared to previous years or budget amounts.
Gain a broader perspective: Run Trial Balances and financial statements on data from prior, closed years. Multi-year detail available - fiscal year detail available for viewing/reporting after closing the year.
Protect your business: Special reports such as Analysis of Change in Working Capital, Statement of Financial Position, and Expanded Cash Flow empower analysis and planning. Special State and Federal Audit reports available.
Accommodates a variety of reporting needs: Four segment account numbers allow for enterprise and department reports. Recurring journals, multi-company consolidations, automated reversing accruals.
Get distributions from auxiliary journals: All other accounting modules generate both sides of accounting entries. Manual entries are limited to manual adjustments or entering accruals or reversing entries. Automate import of accounting entries from many third party applications.
Quick access to AP History: Passport's Navigator allows quick access to view AP Vendor History for the AP transactions for a given GL distribution.